Rules of Play
There have been changes to the beats and rents for 2024 season. See rules download below
Download a PDF copy of our rules click here
- Lettings run from 4.00am on the day in question until 4.00 am the day after.
- The Keeper, Graham Moffat, can be contacted on mobile 07985 933130. If a tenant wishes to be shown the river he should notify Graham the day before. Please do NOT call AFTER 7.00 pm in the evening. If a tenant wishes to share or substitute his rod notice must be given in advance.
- Commercial sub-letting is strictly forbidden. All rods must be in possession of a valid River Board licence.
- The front drive past Warwick Hall should not be used. Access is by the back drive. Turn right at the top of the hill past Warwick. Please observe the speed limits.
- No dogs are allowed.
- The rod room is marked as such in the stable block.
Boat keys are kept in this room and must be returned after fishing. Boats and oars must be left secure. Toilets must be kept clean and tidy after use. - Fishing huts are to be left clean and tidy. Litter must be placed in the bins provided.
- Fishing is to be conducted in a sportsmanlike manner. Tenants are requested to keep moving down a pool whilst fishing and give other rods a chance to fish the pool after they have finished.
- Salmon and sea trout kelts, red fish and foul hooked fish should be returned to the river unharmed.
- Details of all salmon and sea trout caught must be entered in the fishing book. This must include all fish returned to the river. If a tagging system is in operation the tag numbers must be recorded.
- There are two beats:
Top Beat from the Otter Stone below Warwick Bridge through the House Pool, Gravel Bed, Garden Wall, Nunnery, and Jackies
Bottom Beat – – Coops Stream, Crow Wood, Howard’s Hole, Rushes, Battery and Irthing Foot, Duffers. - Letting – there are three rods on each beat.
- The Hut for the Top Beat is situated at Jackies and the Hut for the Park Beat at Rushes.
- Restrictions to fishing methods:-
The use of prawns is strictly forbidden.
b. Shrimp may not be used anywhere before 4.00pm except in Howards Hole where they may be used at any time.
c. Float fishing is not permitted.
d. Fly only in morning up to 1.00 pm in House Pool, Crow Wood and Duffers and Jackies if water is 2’6” or under on the gauge in House Pool (unless one tenant takes the whole of one beat when this rule can be relaxed) - No may be killed, due to the new rules implemented by the Environment Agency during 2019.
Environment Agency rules prevent any kind of bait fishing or taking of fish up to 15th June. After 15th June rules for bait fishing are outlined above. Fishing with a worm after 1st September is limited to one worm on a size 8 hook or smaller. Care must be taken to return all coloured fish, and any coloured fish hooked on a worm should be returned by cutting the hook off and leaving the hook in the fish.
Tenants must observe these rules.
- The owner may fish personally after 5.00 pm if conditions permit.
Any tenants who do not observe rules 8), 9) 14) or 15) will be liable to be requested to stop fishing and leave the river.
Tenants are warned that wading is dangerous. The estate takes no responsibility for any accidents that occur whilst wading. Wading should not be undertaken when the water is high. Wading sticks must be used at all times when wading. Life jackets are available on request.
The use of boats is entirely at tenants risk.
The UK is the last country in Europe not to have this terrible parasite which would wipe out all salmon and trout stocks if it arrived. All tenants who have fished overseas must disinfect their tackle before fishing either at Warwick or elsewhere.